A tire consisting of a rubber ring around the rim of an automobile wheel.
Examples for "car tire"
Examples for "car tire"
1Like a bubble on a car tire.
2It is now the largest purveyor of pay air services for car tire inflation in North America, according to its website.
3Ura likened it to Formula 1 motor racing, where the choice of car tire is crucial, depending on the condition of the track.
4To answer Carter's question, the tattoo tasted like burning car tires.
5After SAG meetings, guild members would emerge to find their car tires slashed.
1You know every automobile tire leaves its own distinctive mark, its thumb print, as it were.
2About Kesoram Industries Limited Kesoram Industries Limited is an India-based company engaged in cement and automobile tire business.
3They study automobile tire tracks.
4The New Yorker, June 13, 1970 P. 36 Satirical story about the rubber automobile tire.
5The professor seemed to shrink back in his chair, collapsing like an automobile tire when the air is let out.
1Perhaps you have seen a bicycle or auto tire strike a stone at an angle, and throw it into the air with great force.
2But I don't want to do anything like bursting his auto tires.
3You put it in golf balls and auto tires and galoshes.
4You put it in golf balls and auto tires and galoches.
5And we learned that low air pressure in the auto tires would allow it to go most anywhere in sand.
2It has an inner tube inflated with air, which is encased inside a heavy rubber tire stretched around the rims.
3The plain print of a pneumatic rubber tire was seen, turning abruptly off the road, and running into the scrub alongside.
4She pushed; there was the stink of burning rubber , and then, with five distinct popping sounds, the rubber tire was punctured.
5To be sure, they have not a rubber tire among them, and their dress leaves much to be desired in professional uniformity.
6Anon he touches up his lyre to boost a patent rubber tire, or sings a noble song that thrills concerning someone's beeswax pills.
7Children from different reptile families play games among the trees, sing songs, and swing on an enormous rubber tire hanging from a tree branch.
8The work of inflating is done through a nozzle or opening as in a rubber tire and it is closed in much the same way.
9A young couple in khakis, loafers, and Lacoste shirts with upturned collars reads the papers while their two children gyrate on the rubber tire swings.
10Already was it fixed to glide through that body on rubber tires.
11It was a beautifully made thing of springs, cushions, and rubber tires.
12Except her interview started thirty minutes ago and she smelled like rubber tires.
13When he emerged from the house a carriage with rubber tires awaited him.
14This discovery gave us rubber tires, conveyor belts, and shoe soles.
15You can't go so fast on rims as you can on rubber tires!
16They swept smoothly on rubber tires into the Lungarno and rapidly approached her home.
Translations for rubber tire